Stable Version:
deno run -A --unstable stable
Development Version can check the features roadmap here:
deno run -A --unstable canary
Windows EMOJIS Bug 
Recommendation for Windows with the EMOJIS Well I found a bug with
emojis in the CLI and tried to find a solution and found this comment about this
issue and what causes this issue.
There is an issue with Deno.stdout.write which doesn't handle unicode characters well. There is already an deno issue denoland/deno#6001. But i found a workaourund here denoland/deno#6131 (comment). You have to enable utf8 character encoding in windows than it should work.
Source Here
And the solution proposed is added this to the top of the profile.ps1
file can
be accessibly with this command notepad $PROFILE
on Powershell!
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
Canary vs Stable
Well the canary version actually is the more updated and more features but some of this not have documentation if you want docs use the stable in this case however if want install the canary for test and go to the stable version you only need run this :nerdface:
dpm upgrade stable
Or if you want go from stable to canary run:
dpm upgrade stable
Made with in Ecuador and the World