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Steps to contribute

Before the contribution you need check the file structure on the Readme Source File and follow this steps

  1. Make a Fork to this repository
  2. Make a branch with the feature to add
  3. Use the conventional commits guide more information here
  4. Make a pull request with an explanation what you change or features
  5. Review your pull request 🤓
  6. Merge the pull request or request changes
  7. Done! 😃


  • If you add a new file to the file structure ensure add to the tree on the Readme Source File and add this con the header on the file:
// Copyright © 2022 Dpm Land. All Rights Reserved.
  • Ensure check the lint and the format before the commit with this command:
deno task fmt
  • Use underscores, not dashes in filenames example:
example_file.ts; // GOOD
example - file.ts; // BAD
  • Inclusive code:

Please follow the guidelines for inclusive code

  • For end any readme file you need add this at the end!

Made with :heart: in :earth_americas:

And done thanks for contribute

Format and lint!

For the formatting and lint you need run the deno tasks here are some commands for make the development more easier.

deno task ## For list all tasks avaliable!
deno task fmt ## For format all files and check the lint!
deno task fmt:check ## For check the lint and formatting

Bugs report 🐛

For report bugs or errors in the documentation make a issue on the docs repo or in the dpm repo on the dpmland org and the:

Made with ❤ in Ecuador and the World