The task command!
Flags for the Command 
You can use this flags on the: task command and the run alias
Flags | Description |
-u, --update [update] | Update the deno.json file for the new tasks of the dpm.json file! |
-n, --new [new] | Add a new task to the dpm.json file and the deno.json file! |
-l, --list [list] | List all tasks on the dpm.json or on the deno.json file! |
-h, --help | The CLI help message |
The Deno tasks help!
More info about the Deno Tasks Many apps need some commands and you don't like write this many many times this command and here are the amazing and incredible Deno tasks well with this you can automate many things and are integrated with Deno but how can make this amazing tool better here are the task command on dpm.
Add a task with a prompt
For add a task to the files well you need only run:
dpm task -n
Update the files
And this add the task on the deno.json and the dpm.json file well but if I add a new task on the dpm.json file how can update this. You need run only this command
dpm task -u
List the tasks avaliable
You want see what commands you have y this files here are the list in a beautifull table.
dpm task -l deno # For the deno.json file
dpm task -l dpm # For the dpm.json file
dpm task -l all # For the dpm and deno.json files!
Bugs report 
For report bugs or errors in the documentation make a issue on the docs repo or in the dpm repo on the dpmland org and the:
- DPM REPO: For bugs in the CLI
- DOCS REPO: For bugs in the documentation
- WEB REPO: For bugs in the website
- DPMLAND.GITHUB.IO REPO: For bugs in the online website
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